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Genres › Utopia

Anna Adolph
10 days
1899 • Ride along with an expedition to the North Pole where a fantastic civilization awaits. An arresting blend of utopian, adventure, hollow earth, feminist, and science fiction.
The Blazing World
Margaret Cavendish
17 days
1666 • This forerunner of science fiction depicts a young woman's journey into a utopian kingdom, where the stars are strange, reached from the North Pole.
A Crystal Age
W.H. Hudson
25 days
1887 • Following what he remembers as an accident in the mountains, Smith emerges into a utopia strange to him where so many of his concepts and beliefs - even love - are unknown.
Samuel Butler
36 days
1872 • A satirical description of the utopian society Erewhon that mirrors 19th century England.
The Goddess of Atvatabar
William R. Bradshaw
31 days
1892 • Discover an advanced underground civilization that can maintain youth and stop death. But civil war is brewing, sparked by outsiders from the surface.
Charlotte Perkins Gilman
24 days
1915 • A quest for an undiscovered land rumored to consist entirely of women uncovers a utopia free from war and domination.
A Journey in Other Worlds
John Jacob Astor
29 days
1894 • A vision of the far off future in the year 2000, with speculation on telephones, solar power, air travel, and adjusting the tilt of the Earth.
Looking Backward
Edward Bellamy
26 days
1888 • A utopian science fiction depicting a futuristic socialist Boston in the year 2000. A very popular book it sparked mass political movements after its release.
Men Like Gods
H.G. Wells
25 days
1923 • Mr. Barnstaple, weary of his life, takes a holiday but ends up transported into a futuristic utopia.
Mizora: A Prophecy
Mary E. Bradley Lane
18 days
1880 • A novel of an all-female society, "the first feminist technological Utopia," through the eyes of an outsider. A blend utopian equality and troubling racism.
Moving the Mountain
Charlotte Perkins Gilman
17 days
1911 • A feminist utopian novel envisioning an America of 1940 "beyond Socialism" with no poverty and wide ranging equality.
The New Atlantis
Francis Bacon
5 days
1626 • An incomplete utopian novel portraying the ideal future of human discovery and knowledge.
Niels Klim's Underground Travels
Ludvig Holberg
11 days
1741 • A Norwegian cave leads the titular Klim into a world within the Earth and the utopian society found there.
Symzonia: A Voyage of Discovery
Adam Seaborn
14 days
1820 • Fictional captain Adam Seaborn sets out on a daring expedition to prove that the earth is hollow.
Three Hundred Years Hence
Mary Griffith
8 days
1836 • A utopian science fiction novel - the first written by an American woman - depicting a futuristic world with many similarities to our present.
Unveiling a Parallel
Alice Ilgenfritz Jones & Ella Merchant
15 days
1893 • A satirical feminist utopian novel contrasting two societies on Mars, both with equality between the sexes.
Thomas More
13 days
1516 • Journey through an island community where vice and violence are absent, all religions are tolerated, there's full employment and goods are community-owned.
Mastodon Mastodon